Ambrosius dolls have been lovingly made in Transylvania, Romania, since 1996. A collaboration between Katalin Poszony, the owner of Ambrosius, and a Waldorf School resulted in beautiful, eco-friendly, handmade fairy dolls, inspired by particular flowers or fruits. From there on Ambrosius flower fairies took the world by storm but Katalina’s love for nature and focus on sustainability remained the same. All of her creations are made from sustainable materials such as wool, wool felt, and wood.
Katalina’s company Ambrosius doesn’t only support the environment but is also one of the few Romanian companies that support mothers with young children, retirees and people with disabilities by offering them working from home opportunities. Giving back and helping the ones in need is also close to Katalina’s heart and a part of Ambrosius’ profits is donated to the local Waldorf School and also to educational institutions in some of Transylvania's poorer villages.

Ambrosius flower fairies are released in four seasonal collections and come in four skin tones, celebrating and uniting diversity of the floral and human worlds.
Ambrosius have also created a range of beautifully detailed doll house dolls - Grandparents, Parents, Children and Babies, ready to form part of your unique doll family. Each doll is poseable and pefectly-sized for doll house play.
Each Ambrosius doll takes countless hours to make and due to their handmade nature, no two dolls look exactly the same, making them truly unique.
With a stunning variety of colours and attention to detail, Ambrosius dolls are perfect in small world play, on the nature table or as decorations for your home. Start your Ambrosius collection today, and look forward to new additions each season.
Meet the Ambrosius dolls

Ambrosius is distributed in Australia by Wooden Playroom