How to Play with Playsilks: The Ultimate Sarah's Silks Play Guide
Oskar's Wooden Ark | Images courtesy of @learnandbloom | June 2022
Sarah's Silks Playsilks are one of the most popular products we stock at Oskar's Wooden Ark and we are always so inspired by the imaginative ways we see your children using them in their play. If you are new to play silks, perhaps you are asking a few questions: What is a play silk? How can play silks be used? Do play silks have to be silk? Can Sarah’s Silks Playsilks be washed? In this, our ultimate guide to playing with play silks, we will answer all these questions and more.
What are Playsilks?
Aren't play silks just pieces of material? Well, yes. They are also so much more! Sarah Lee, the creator of Sarah's Silks, first starting dying squares of silk when her oldest son was a child in an attempt to support his imaginative play. He would say, "Mom, I am a turtle today. I need some green to wear!" Or, "I need some wings to fly today - blue ones!".
You only have to place a play silk in the hands of a child to appreciate the versatility of these wonderful open-ended toys. We’ve seen them used as rivers, super-hero capes, butterfly wings, soup in a bowl, magic carpets, curtains for a puppet show, doll carriers, blankets, gift wrap, flags, drapes and so much more. It is not surprising that parents tell us time and time again that play silks are some of the most reached-for items in their children's playroom.

Why choose Sarah's Silks Playsilks
Have you questioned whether genuine silks are worth the investment over cheaper polyester scarves or other fabrics?
While children could certainly enjoy many of the activities we share in this guide with any regular fabric scraps lying around the house, we believe there's nothing quite like the texture of real silk to appeal to a child’s senses. We chose to stock Sarah's Silks Playsilks for their soft, lustrous quality, vibrant colours and natural, non-toxic and biodegradable materials. They are strong and durable, yet impressively lightweight, with edges carefully hand-hemmed.
How to play with Playsilks?
Playsilks are open-ended toys, and by definition can be anything and everything your child imagines them to be. For this reason, it would be impossible for us to come up with a comprehensive list of activities or ways to play with Playsilks. Instead, we have invited Jess (@learnandbloom), one of our valued customers, to share some of the ways that she and her four children enjoy using Playsilks in their play.
“Our Playsilks are one of the most open-ended toys for all ages in our home, from a classic game of peek-a-boo or sensory play for babies, to dress ups for the bigger kids. They are often taken out for imaginative play, to create small worlds and so much more!”
Infant Play with Playsilks
Play is known as the work of a child, and Infant Play is no exception. Even the littlest of humans benefit immensely from simple, open-ended resources that help them explore the world around them. Playsilks are soft on a baby’s skin and are a wonderful way to introduce babies to colour, texture and movement. They can be tied to your baby’s play gym or
Jess says: “I use a Playsilk with my baby for playing a game of peek-a-boo or I wave it around to develop his visual tracking.”

Sensory Play with Playsilks
Sensory Play is any form of play that stimulates and encourages the use of any of the five senses. It is a particularly valuable form of play for younger children as it broadens their perception of the world around them through self-discovery.
Playsilks are frequently used for this form of play due to their soft and silky texture and bright colours. Children will enjoy simply holding a Playsilk in their hands or feeling the texture against their skin. Playsilks can be used with other toys and exploratory elements in a sensory play tray or taken outdoors and enjoyed in nature. There’s nothing quite like watching a play silk blowing in the wind!
Jess says: “My baby is fascinated by the different textures, and loves watching different coloured Playsilks blowing in the breeze. We have also enjoyed adding Playsilks to a sensory tray or to a shallow container filled with water for different sensory experiences.”
Small World Play and Storytelling with Playsilks
Small World Play is a form of imaginative play where children use figurines and resources to build a miniature world based on real life elements. It's a playful way for them to explore new ideas and the magic of storytelling.
Playsilks are used in small world creations for elements such as the sky, water, fire, grass, mud and snow. Such elements have inspired the creation of many Sarah's Silks products, including the Earth Collection.
Jess says: “When my children create small worlds, the Playsilks are often used to represent different things, for example blue for the ocean, red for fire and green for the forest.”

Role Play with Playsilks
Role Play is where children take inspiration from their environment and surroundings and then imitate life in a playful way. It is a form of play that encourages children to use toys and objects in imaginative ways - just like how Jess' son has used a Playsilk as a blanket for his doll.
Jess says: “My children use their Playsilks for all sorts of imaginative play. They can truly be used for anything and everything – a picnic mat, a water slide, a blanket for dolls, a baby carrier...the list goes on!"
Dressing Up with Playsilks
Dressing up has long been a favourite form of imaginative play, inspiring children to role play, perform, dream and live out their fantasies in an expressive and exploratory way.
Playsilks are a wonderful resource for Dress Up Play as they are not destined to be any one thing. Your child might use their Playsilk as a cape, scarf, skirt, animal tail, head piece or even a makeshift wig.
However, if you are looking for a more structured costume, Sarah's Silks offer a number of costumes and accessories such as a Mermaid, Fairy Skirt, Cape, Veil, Crown and Wings.
Jess says: “We often use our Playsilks as capes or for other dress ups. My children love to run around with their Playsilks flying behind them.”

Active and Outdoor Play with Playsilks
Whether dancing with them, waving them in the air or throwing them up high, Playsilks are a wonderful tool for inspiring movement and active play. Why not take your Playsilks outside for a nature colour hunt, a game of Blind Man’s Bluff or a three-legged race? You could even create a parachute for one of your toys!
Jess says: “We often take our Playsilks outside as we love watching them fly around in the wind. They are often used for dancing props or thrown up high in the air!”
What size Playsilk should I buy?
Our Sarah's Silks Playsilks come in three sizes: Mini, Classic and Giant.
Mini Playsilks (54cm X 54cm) are perfect for little hands. They also make wonderful head scarves, stepping stones, juggling scarves and accessories for imaginative play.
Classic Playsilks (90cm X 90cm) are our most versatile Playsilks; wonderful for dress-ups, for small world play scenes, pretend play and anything else. They are also our go-to choice for sustainable Furoshiki gift wrapping, where the gift wrap is a gift in itself.
Giant Playsilks (180cm X 90cm) are a great choice for active play or group play (for example, holding them up and having children ‘run under the rainbow’). These extra long Playsilks can also be used for building forts and play tents, or as a canopy over a reading nook or bed.

How do I wash my Playsilks?
Sarah’s Silks recommend “hand washing with mild dish soap or shampoo, then hang to dry and iron on medium heat if you want to restore the shine. Little ones enjoy the tactile experience of wet silk-washing and hang drying their Playsilks is a nice chore to include them in.”
We believe that the key to encouraging children to play with Playsilks is to simply stand back and watch. We have little doubt that they will soon discover the multiple things that Playsilks can ‘be’ and that they will be inspired to imaginatively and freely express themselves in endless playful ways.